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It's All Relative

It's All Relative

One Family's Story of Kidney Disease

vonFlorax, Jennifer
Englisch, Erscheinungstermin 22.07.2024
6,49 €
(inkl. MwSt.)
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Informationen zum Titel

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Familie und Gesundheit
It's All Relative: One Family's Story of Kidney Disease follows the journey of my family members and our history of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). The stories we share demonstrate how PKD affects us differently, physically, emotionally, and in all other aspects of our lives. While technical information about the disease is available, there's less about how people feel and cope with the symptoms. This story is about the similarities and differences in our experiences with PKD. Writing these stories has been cathartic for our family, and we hope that by sharing our story, we can support others in their journey with Polycystic Kidney Disease.
Jennifer Florax considers the basis of her writing to be her life experience with a desire to share the lessons learned with others to save them a little pain and shave some time off the learning curve. Jennifer does not claim to be an expert, just a mom who is a sharer of hard lessons learned and years of experience in all sorts of work environments.She has a Bachelor's Degree in Management, with experience in change management and infrastructure asset management. And just for extra fun, she's a certified esthetician.

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